Five Ways to Make Your Product More Attractive

Do you believe you have a product that’s truly different from the rest? maybe you probably don’t. 

To stand out in a saturated market, where generally the price of the product tends to be the main criteria for the decision-making process, is becoming more and more complicated, even more so when the variety of products on the market is already sufficient. 

To differentiate ourselves from the competition, we need to create intangibles that make us unique, for example, values, sensations, and that ideal lifestyle that means using your product. Naturally, you have to study your potential customer, identify their needs and then make your product do the magic: how it can solve them better than the competition. 


We at SM & More will give you five pointers to make your product stand out from your competition and be more appealing to your customers.








Humans are social people, we need to always have that warmth present, even in the products, we buy nowadays. Lately, statistics have been ruling the destiny of products and unintentionally, they have lost their authenticity and the emotional connection with the buyer. When your product is more human and less «corporate», it will sell better and be more attractive.





Statistics, research, social media likes… All this will make your life easier when it comes to developing and improving your product, yes, for sure. But when we’re devoted to numbers, we forget to listen and talk to real people. Look for trends in social networks, get involved in them, and create conversations that can give you interesting insights on, for example, how your product can be more attractive because it satisfies a need that the market is neglecting.


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While the quality of the product is the focus of attention, and that will determine a large part of the experience, it is important that you also offer quality customer service, and an accessible website, with clear and concise information.

Can you imagine making your product more attractive by telling them how to use it? Think of selling a slice of soft and juicy meat and then sharing with them how to make a BBQ they will never forget, for example. We assure you they will come back for more.





Everything goes through the eyes, as the popular saying goes, and this is no exception. When you have a well-marked, differentiated ‘brand persona’, your brand will be remembered positively and in this way, you will differentiate yourself from the competition.


Perrito guiñando el ojoMascots can help to achieve better brand awareness. 





Every day the competition is more and more aggressive, so it is important to reduce manufacturing costs as much as possible, without sacrificing the quality of your product. As we mentioned at the beginning, value is one of the most important decision criteria for the consumer, so you must find a balance that plays in your favor.





We at SM & More have made it our mission to support you with innovative strategies that will make your product an attractive and winning one and, of course, help your brand expand to many markets.

Contact us now, and take your brand to the next level!


We take your brand to the next level.