Five Steps To Introduce Your Brand in The US

Introducing your brand to the U.S. is one of the most important challenges a company can face, not only because it’s a huge market, with a wide variety of products and options for all consumers, but also because it’s a different culture from the brand’s country of origin. 

There is nothing more true than they say that to “promote, a product well» is a huge part of the success of your brand, and that is why it is essential to try other things and implement new strategies that allow your brand to be adapted to the U.S. market.

But, before you even begin, keep in mind that, while the current success of your product is a good indication, it will not be the one that dictates the success of your venture, it is necessary to know if there is a market in the States for your product or service, or if the needs of the markets are already covered by another company, or also, what makes your trademark outperform the already established competition. 

Now that you know that your brand has everything you need to enter the U.S. market: Do you want to know our 5 tips? 

Let’s go!









Adapting your brand and products, while it may be a legal obligation since you will have to comply with governmental rules and regulations, should also be an essential requirement for you from a strategic and marketing point of view. In doing so, you will have to take into account patterns of consumption, the competition, and other factors that may vary from place to place, even within the same country.


Propaganda Jarritos

Jarritos adapts, in a fun way, their product, but without losing the essence. Flawless. 


The product is not just a physical element, but a package that can provide different textures, smells, tastes, and other sensorial interactions and whose significance varies depending on the culture in which the product is inserted.





Your product’s competitive advantage is the reason why your customer will buy your product or your rival’s, BUT, remember that it must be a differential that your target audience is interested in. For instance, let’s suppose you are selling a soft drink, and if you advertise that it is calorie-free, it can be a differential in favor of the fitness crowd, but at the same time, it can be a point against people who are concerned about the natural components of the products, since a calorie-free soft drink contains a lot of artificial sweeteners. 

So, always emphasize your selling point, but make sure that it goes along with your target audience so that when the time comes, your product is presented in the most efficient way.




When you are new, there is nothing better than teaming up with someone who knows the market and can give you valuable insights into the local market and culture. 

Work smarter and rely on the experience that established brands can give you. Don’t be the one who reinvents the wheel.

Take this into account when choosing distribution, logistics, PR, retail, etc. partners.  


El equipo SMM

Our know-how cannot be improvised.


Here at SM & More, we support you in introducing your brand to the U.S. Click here! And discover what we can do for you.





Infografía SEO

The SEO components go beyond the content / Photo:


Nowadays, a proper website is everything for a brand, and a well-designed site implies a correct digital adaptation of your brand and the optimization of the content in such a way that it has more relevance in search engines, the well-known SEO (Search Engine Optimization), that will make the content you create have relevance and your brand will be able to grow.

To this day there are still websites of important brands that are not SEO-friendly, which is an enormous mistake since by building them correctly we are ensuring that they are adapted to the interests of the target audience. Also, just because your website is easily searchable in your current market doesn’t necessarily mean it is in the U.S. You need to tailor your website to the target country and make sure your SEO is optimized for your desired audience.




You have everything in place, perfect! So, now what? 

Remember what we mentioned before about relying on people with experience? Now it’s the time: hire and get advice from an advertising or PR firm that will help you launch the product taking into account the trends and preferences of, for example, different states in the United States. 

Creating buzz campaigns through social networks and traditional media, as well as local events where potential customers can experience your product firsthand, is a good way to create hype.




Establishing your brand in the United States is not an easy task. There have been some fantastic products that have unfortunately failed in the effort, despite having an established product or brand, because they did not adapt it to their new target or did not partner with knowledgeable and experienced partners.

At SM & More, more than 30 years of experience handling products within the food industry are our credentials. Our personalized accompaniment will provide you with all the necessary support so that you can be the brand that your target audience prefers.


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