EASY AND HOMEMADE: Sweet Moments & More Style Guajolota Recipe

Surely it has happened to you that once you leave your house without having breakfast and on the way to work, you stumble upon a tamalito and atole stand (one of those that with a single sniff of air make you feel attracted like a magnet) and you just stare as the vendor opens the bun, puts in a delicious steaming tamalito, dips it in cream and hands a happy chilango a delicious Guajolota… Just imagining the scene made me want to go to work. 

Nah, I’m kidding.

This simple and traditional snack is nothing more than a tamale, in the middle of a bun cut in half, topped with sauces, creams, and whatever you’d like to add. 

Many will think that it makes no sense to mix carbohydrates with more carbohydrates, but let me tell you that since they are very different types of dough (corn vs. wheat), the combination is spectacular and even more so if you add some of the accompaniments that we will tell you about below.

So my dear readers, let’s go to Guajolota Sweet Moments and More style.




Tamales vaporosos

The classic Mexican tamale / Photo: Cocina Delirante.


  • ·         1 hot pork tamale.
  • ·         1 hot chicken tamale.
  • ·         1 chicken tamale.
  • ·         1 pork tamale.
  • ·         500g of queso fresco.
  • ·         Cream to preference.
  •           Green sauce to preference.
  • ·         4 buns.




Torta de Tamal

Photo: Ciudad Trendy.


We take the tamales and heat them depending on whether they are frozen or fresh. If they are frozen, we first thaw them, wrap them in a damp kitchen towel to create moisture and then microwave them for 2 minutes. If they are fresh, we steam them in a dutch oven for about 50 minutes. 

Once the tamales are ready, proceed to cut the ‘bolillos’ in half. Once the buns are ready, place the tamale inside and add cream and serve atole to accompany. Close the bread and the Guajolota is ready to serve. 


And now, let’s try the SM & More style Guajalotas. 


We at SM & More prefer the Tonantzin Hot Pork or Hot Chicken Tamales, which are frozen, so we defrost and heat them as explained a few lines above. We also like to add more crunchiness to the torta, so that it can contrast with the softness of the tamale, so we recommend that you heat the buns in the oven beforehand. 

Once the buns are ready, place the Tonantzin Hot Tamales, then add lots of green sauce and lots of fresh cheese… Yummy!

Preferably it is ideal to eat this delicious dish as breakfast, so you will have plenty of energy for all the tasks of the day. 


At SM & More we have the best tamales, the best cheese, and many other products that will fill your shelves with tradition and quality, check out our product catalog and contact us!