RECIPE: Sweet Moments & More Style Tostadas Raspadas.

Do you know why it is one of the most consumed dishes in Mexico? Because it’s easy to make and delicious: perfect for sharing at any time while keeping a good balance of nutrients and of course, lots and lots of Mexican-style cheese (check out our variety of cheeses here).

Tostadas raspadas are a very traditional Mexican dish, but what will they be like Sweet Moments and More style? Let us tell you that these SM & More style tostadas have their own little modification made by our founder, Tio Joe. 

Let’s check them out!




Todo está en el queso oaxaca

The key is A LOT OF CHEESE.


    • ·         1pk of tostadas raspadas.
    • ·         3 avocados.
    • ·         1 can of refried beans.
    • ·         4 tomatoes.
    • ·         1 shredded lettuce.
    • ·         Cream to preference.
    • ·         Hot sauce to preference.
    • ·         Onion to preference.
    • ·         500g of Oaxaca cheese.
    • ·         300g of shredded chicken breast.



Preparation of the classic tostada raspada.

First, we take the avocados and slice them very thinly, in juliennes. We take the slices and cover the width of the tostada. You can cover the whole tostada with avocado, if you wish, to give it much more flavor.

Take a handful of shredded chicken, tomato, and lettuce and spread them over the avocado bed, gently, so they don’t spill over the tostada.

We put the desired amount of Oaxaca cheese on the tostada and followed by a spoonful of hot sauce, then a spoonful of cream, and serve.

Now, let’s take a look at the delicious recipe for Sweet Moments & More style tostada raspada, with Uncle Joe’s magic touch. Andale!



Tio Joe Enseña su receta especial de tostadas raspadas

The chef with the magic touch.


Using a knife, spread some refried beans over the entire surface of the tostada. Do it very carefully to prevent it from cracking. Then, take the onion and cut it in julienne strips, very thin ones, and sprinkle them over the tostadas.

Next, we take 2 big handfuls of Oaxaca cheese and sprinkle it over the tostada, and then take another handful of shredded chicken and drop it on top of the Oaxaca cheese. Then we top it with a little lettuce and a spoonful of hot sauce.

And voila! Here are the delicious shaved tostadas Sweet Moments & More style, perfect for sharing with friends, family, or those special people you want to surprise with an explosion of Mexican flavor. 

Did we leave you craving some Sweet Moments & More style shaved toast? Or maybe one of our cheeses? We got you covered. Buy them now in our allied markets!